The midwife/center you are working with has a flat fee that they charge their clients and they require that this fee is paid by a certain date. Each practice is different so you will need to check with your provider for those details. The flat fee is a package price that includes many different scenarios and is deeply discounted because it does not require the use of a medical biller. If you utilize your health insurance, we have to bill the insurance for services rendered. This means sometimes what is billed to the insurance is more than the flat fee and sometimes it will be less. The flat fee does not correlate with the amount billed to the insurance. The flat fee will count as a retainer towards your patient responsibility (deductible, coinsurance, etc.). If your patient responsibility is less than the flat fee you will be reimbursed the difference minus the billing fee of 10%.
By submitting this verification of benefits I am agreeing to utilize the services of Birth Professional Billing to file the insurance claim after services are rendered. I AM CONSENTING TO BIRTH PROFESSIONAL BILLING'S FEE OF 10% OF THE PAYMENT FROM MY INSURANCE COMPANY.